Biography - Andrew
After graduating from the Newark School of Violin Making, I began my professional career in the Netherlands working for Joost van der Grinten before being employed by Charles Beare in London as a maker and restorer in 1982. Since then I have co-authered "The British Violin" (BVMA 2000), "The Voller Brothers" (BVMA 2006) and curated the 2016 Panormo exhibition for Tarisio London while continuing to research, write and lecture on numerous aspects of violin history, making and restoration across Europe, North America, Australia and Asia.

As a colleague of Charles Beare for over thirty years I benefitted from the opportunity to work with some of the worlds finest musicians, as well as restore and study many of the greatest and most celebrated violins, violas and cellos. Now established independently with Anneleen I hope this experience is reflected in my new instruments as well as my approach to restorations and tonal adjustments.
Member of the Entente Internationale des Maîtres Luthiers et Archetiers.